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Message to Tamara Mulembo

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Tamara Mulembo - Black lawyer in Tucson AZ

Tamara Mulembo

Mulembo Law PLLC
(520) 640-2222
(520) 640-2222

Practice Areas

Criminal Appeals
Practice Area

About Tamara Mulembo

Tamara Mulembo is a fierce and tireless advocate with over seventeen years of experience. She has defended high profile criminal cases in state and federal court, including death penalty cases. After beginning her career as a judicial law clerk for the Honorable Philip G. Espinosa of the Arizona Court of Appeals, Tamara practiced criminal defense as part of the Pima County Public Defender's Spanish Felony Trial Unit. Tamara left the Defender's Office to join State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company's Corporate Law Department where she litigated personal injury and premises liability cases. She returned to criminal defense as an Assistant Federal Public Defender and served as a Trial Team Leader.

Tamara is a skilled educator who trains attorneys and staff across the nation. She was detailed to the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Defender Services Office, Training Division in Washington, DC. Tamara also served as Chief Deputy Pima County Attorney where she supervised multiple departments and over 320 employees.

Hablamos Español


Arizona, United States Licensed for 18 Years Sep 2006 18 Years Sep 2006


Skill: Conversational Lawyer
Skill: Conversational Lawyer


University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law Juris Doctor Law 2005
University of Arizona Bachelors English and Spanish 2002


Primary Office Location

pin 333 N Wilmot Rd. Ste 340 Tucson AZ 85711

pin (520) 640-2222


Social Media

LinkedIn page for Tamara Mulembo - Black attorney in Tucson
Message Tamara Mulembo
(520) 640-2222